Home » Mastering Innovation – Are You Really Innovating?

Mastering Innovation – Are You Really Innovating?

Many of Australia’s most significant organisations have formalised innovation resources and activities. Some don’t. And, at the SME organisational  level, how many outfits are pursuing innovation as a platform for success? No-one really knows.

Innovation and its peripheral issues like product development  and disruption seem to have little standardisation around best-practices processes, techniques, tools and evaluation.

What's covered in this keynote and workshop ?

-first-to-market with real innovation has the advantage !

-map your markets first to find  serviced and un-served  customer/product/service segments

-map your customer segment’s unsatisfied needs

-allocate adequate development budgets

-establish teams to search for new value

-go deep with market segmentation

-persist and innovate with best-practice innovation processes

Worse still, disruption gets lip-service in corporate arenas; largely because few actually understand the power of this concept.

Disruption will become common-place. Those that avoid adopting disruption as a core activity will disappear.

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